InvestChile Blog

DiDi expands its presence in Chile and adds new cities to its coverage

Written by InvestChile | December,5,2019

According to the company, this occurs in the context of a great need for convenient and safe alternatives for mobility.

DiDi, the Chinese transport application, which has more than 550 million users worldwide, is expanding its presence to a further nine regions of Chile.

The so-called Chinese Uber will be present in Arica, Iquique, Calama, Copiapó, Ovalle, Los Andes, Curicó, Chillán, Los Angeles, Valdivia, Osorno, Coyhaique and Punta Arenas. According to the company, this will position it as the mobility platform with the broadest coverage in Chile.

DiDi indicated that the move occurs in the context of a great need for convenient and safe mobility alternatives, due to the social situation in the country. “This is in addition to the importance of personal entrepreneurship for thousands of people in Chile who now need to generate income independently more than ever.”

DiDi’s general manager in Chile, Simeng Wang, valued the announcement of the increased coverage. “We are very grateful for the support and reception we have had since starting in Chile. And, without a doubt, today, more than ever, our undertaking at DiDi is to provide a better service for a more convenient price that gives all Chile’s inhabitants access to the advantages of our platform.”

He added that “with great humility, we believe that DiDi can make a real contribution in these difficult moments in Chile, always within everyone’s reach, with high-quality standards and a focus on safety. Without doubt, our excellent results in the cities where we already operate position us as a preferred entrepreneurship option among our affiliated drivers and the users of mobility platforms in Chile.”

To learn more about investment opportunities in Chile, see this article.

Source: Diario Financiero