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Sacyr starts operations in Chile’s water industry

InvestChile - August,13,2020

Through companies it acquired in February with a portfolio of contracts worth 500 million euros.

agua sanitaria

Sacyr has begun operations in the Chilean water industry through four companies it acquired in February. According to Sacyr, they represent a portfolio of contracts worth 500 million euros.

In this way, the group, chaired by Manuel Manrique, is reinforcing its position in the Latin American country, a strategic market where it is already very active in the construction, concessions and services sectors.

Through its subsidiary Sacyr Agua, it has begun operation of the four integrated water cycle management companies, after meeting the usual conditions for transactions of this type to which its acquisitions in February were subject.

The company will manage services such as the capture of raw water, the distribution of drinking water and the collection and treatment of wastewater in the Santiago Metropolitan Region through Aguas Chacabuco, Aguas Lampa and Aguas Santiago, companies that together will serve a population of more than 150,000 inhabitants.

Through Aguas del Norte, located in the Antofagasta Region, it will also provide water supply and treatment to large clients.

Efficiency gains

Sacyr is confident that its “extensive” experience in water management and treatment will enable it to increase service efficiency levels in Chile and contribute innovative solutions for the sustainable development of the water sector.

It is a business that fits with the strategy of developing concessions and sustainable infrastructure on which the group has focused.

To find out more about investment opportunities in Chile, see this article.

Source: Expansión

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Topics: Infrastructure- Spanish investment



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