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AES Gener files permit for million-dollar project in northern Chile

InvestChile - August,28,2020

The Parque Terra Energía Renovable project would be located in the Taltal municipal district of the Antofagasta Region and would represent an investment of US$ 750 million. 


Through a subsidiary, Energía Eólica Paposo SpA, AES Gener has submitted the Environmental Impact Study for a renewable energy plant to the Environmental Evaluation Service of the Antofagasta Region. The initiative would represent an investment of US$750 million.

“With this hybrid initiative, combining three technologies, we want to ratify our commitment to Chile and its sustainable recovery. Parque Terra Energía Renovable is part of our Greentegra strategy, which aims to accelerate the decarbonization of the energy matrix through the incorporation of innovative and competitive renewable energies,” said Ricardo Falú, CEO of AES Gener.

The Parque Terra Energía Renovable project would be located in the Taltal municipal district of the Antofagasta Region, approximately 22 km northwest of the town of Paposo, 66 km north of the town of Taltal and 115 km south of the city of Antofagasta.

The initiative consists of the construction, operation and closure of a hybrid power generation plant, comprising a wind farm and a photovoltaic park that together would have an installed capacity of 862.5 MW.

With an installed capacity of 350 MW, the wind farm would account for 40.6% of the facility’s total capacity and would comprise 50 7-MW wind turbines with a hub height of 170 m and blades of 85 m in length, giving it a rotor diameter of 175 m.

The photovoltaic park would have an installed capacity of 512.5 MW, representing 59.4% of the hybrid plant’s total capacity. It would be made up of 1,102,080 bifacial panels, mounted on support structures with a moveable N-S axis.

In addition, the plant would have two control buildings and two warehouses, an electrical substation, two electrical storage systems with batteries, meteorological towers, internal roads, an underground electrical network and wastewater management systems.

It is estimated that construction of Parque Terra Energía Renovable would begin in 2022.

For more information of investment projects in Chile, see this article

Source: Pulso

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Topics: Renewables



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