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Chile makes progress on Smart Permit System bill

InvestChile - October,3,2024

The proposal aims to simplify sectoral permit processing, reducing processing time and increasing efficiency and certainty in investment projects. The bill is now moving into its second legislative stage in the Senate. 


With 131 votes in favor, the Chamber of Deputies approved the bill that creates the Smart Permit System. 

This initiative, promoted by the Economy, Development and Tourism Ministry, proposes a Framework Law on Sectoral Authorizations that aims to reduce permit processing time by 30% to 70% for permits that fall outside the Environmental Evaluation System, to simplify and accelerate these processes. 

The bill, which was presented earlier this year by President Gabriel Boric, will accelerate projects of different types and sizes, both public and private, including initiatives from MSMEs, such as small businesses and restaurants, as well as other larger initiatives, such as those in the mining or energy industries. 

Promoting investment in Chile 

The Economy Minister, Nicolás Grau, valued the progress of the project, thanking the members of Congress who contributed during its discussion in the Economic Commission, which expedited one of the Government’s main initiatives aimed at increasing and consolidating investment in the country. 

«This bill enables us to make progress as a country, fulfilling one of our commitments and forming part of the Pact for Economic Growth, Social Progress and Fiscal Responsibility. It will enable us to accelerate investment, generate more quality jobs, modernize and better organize a total of around 400 sectoral permits, which currently imply project delays without necessarily having a good regulatory standard,» said the Minister. 

«This will improve regulation and reduce permit processing time for larger projects by around 30%, and for smaller companies by up to 70%, because this is precisely one of the main outcomes sought by this bill,» he added. 

About the project 

The Framework Law on Sectoral Authorizations incorporates several measures aimed at reducing processing times for different sectoral authorizations. 

These measures include the implementation of affidavits and notices in low-risk cases, procedural standards that give rise to applicability of administrative silence, hard deadlines for resolution, and other measures. 

These measures will reduce the effective permit processing times and consequently the total average processing time for investment projects. 

The bill represents a commitment that will lead to gradual progress towards a more coherent, integrated, clear and modern sectoral authorization system, promoting sustainable productive development and investment, always safeguarding protected objects that are inherent to the regulation of each sector. 

 Nueva llamada a la acción

Topics: Chilean Economy



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