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ChileWeek China 2023: 8 years promoting trade and investment

InvestChile - September,11,2023

This event, organized by ProChile, aims to show decision makers from this important Asian market the opportunities Chile has to offer as a supplier of goods and services, and as an investment destination. 


Shenzhen, Chengdu, Beijing and Shanghai will host the Trade Mission's activities and the Chilean delegation that will be part of ChileWeek China 2023, between October 14 and 20, 2023. 

This event, organized by ProChile, aims to show decision makers in this important Asian market the opportunities that Chile has to offer as a supplier of goods and services, and as a reliable country to invest in and visit.  

The meeting ‘s eighth version will feature business seminars, sectoral workshops, talks, cultural activations, gastronomic events, product samples and bilateral meetings, among others.  

Export promotion 

ProChile will benefit 20 exporting companies, who will have the opportunity to strengthen their knowledge of the market and marketing alternatives on the ground through experiences and exchanges with relevant counterparts. 

Companies will be able to participate in promotional activities in the Chinese market such as business meetings, technical visits, networking activities and promotional activations. 

In 2022, Chile exported US$97,491 million, 3% more than the previous year. In this scenario, Asia received US$57,273 million in Chilean shipments, 5.8% more than in 2021. Driving this figure is the region's largest economy: China. 

Thus, the Asian giant was the destination for 39.4% of Chilean exports, which, measured in value, totalled US$38,447 million. With these figures, it continues to increase its participation: in 2021 it was 38.5%. And ten years ago, in 2013, it captured 24.8%. 

China is the biggest customer for various Chilean products. These include copper, lithium, wine and cherries. 

Investment promotion 

To continue promoting Chinese investment in Chile and for more companies such as Huawei, Didi or Pacific Hydro to establish themselves in the country, InvestChile will join the official delegation, in order to participate both in official activities and in a series of bilateral meetings and technical visits with companies. The agency will also conduct a series of workshops in strategic sectors.  

It should be noted that InvestChile's Project Portfolio closed the first semester with a total of 493 initiatives in different stages of development, equivalent to US$27,878 million, which meant an increase of 12.6% over the same period last year. China is the country with the second largest presence in the Portfolio, with initiatives worth US$4.636 million. 

On another note, Chinese investors, sponsored by InvestChile, have led applications for temporary visas, accounting for 20% of total applications over the last year. 

Despite being our main trading partner and steadily increasing its presence in the country, Chinese investment in Chile still faces a number of challenges. According to figures from the Central Bank, China has an investment stock in our country of only US$496 million as of 2021, which represents 6.1% of total investment from Asia. 

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Topics: Inversion china en Chile



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