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Mercado Libre inaugurates distribution center in Chile

InvestChile - October,15,2020

The center envisages an investment of US$100 million over two years and expects to create 5,000 jobs directly and indirectly


Latin American e-commerce giant, Mercado Libre, today inaugurated its first distribution center in Chile. The center envisages an investment of US$100 million over two years and expects to create 5,000 jobs directly and indirectly.

Located in Santiago’s Pudahuel district, it is designed to strengthen the company’s logistics platform, helping to improve the supply chain in Chile. It will be used to store part of the stock posted on the site as a means of improving its delivery promise and reducing dispatch times.

“Today is an important day because what we are seeing symbolizes many things. Firstly, it symbolizes that, in the midst of the pandemic and the enormous economic crisis affecting our country and the world, there is foreign investment in Chile,” said Minister Lucas Palacios during the center’s inauguration.

He pointed out that, “Mercado Libre is a multinational company that is in 18 countries and has chosen Chile to make this investment of US$100 million over two years. What we are seeing now is a tenth of the investment; it will grow tenfold and, if it now has 250 employees, in two more years, it will have 5,000.”

According to Palacios, the distribution center will help the more than 30,000 companies that offer their products and services through the site, of which 21,000 are SMEs and entrepreneurs.

Alan Meyer, director general of Mercado Libre Chile, commented that, “We are very happy with the great step this means, since it not only allows us to offer a better experience and quality of service to our buyer users, but also to our sellers, who are the heart of the company.”

The company estimates that over 500 vans per day will be dispatched in the Santiago Metropolitan Region.

To find out more about investment in global services in Chile, read this article.

Source: Emol

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Topics: Global services- e-commerce- Argentine investment



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