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Norway’s PatoGen opts for Chile for its international expansion

InvestChile - October,8,2018

The company, which develops products and services related to fish health, has announced that it will be opening offices in “key markets” and has chosen Puerto Varas in Chile and Oban in Scotland for its new operations. 


Norwegian biotechnology company PatoGen has announced that it is “establishing an international presence in key markets”.

In a press release, it indicated that “coming from the position as leader of preventive fish health services in Norway, PatoGen now steps up international focus”, announcing the opening of two new offices: one in Puerto Varas in southern Chile, managed by Ragnhild Bleken Rud, and the other in Oban, Scotland, managed by Teresa Garzon.

“The local presence will make it possible for PatoGen to work more closely with fish farming companies in the two regions,” indicated the company.

According to CEO Jørn Ulheim, “where salmon are farmed PatoGen wants to be present.”

Aquaculture in Chile

Chile is the world’s second largest salmon producer after Norway and its principal markets are the United States, Japan and Brazil. In 2017, salmon exports reached US$4,159 million, according to the Central Bank of Chile.

“To have a knowledge-based company like PatoGen ensuring the transfer of relevant information and services between different international production regions will increase the overall fish health. In PatoGen we observe that fish farming companies investing into preventive fish health also experience overall better performance and reduced biological losses”, added Ulheim.

To find out more about investment opportunities in the Chilean food industry, see this article.

Source: PatoGen

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