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COVID-19: Chile announces partial border opening

InvestChile - July,30,2021

In order to contain the arrival of new COVID-19 variants, foreign non-residents will remain prohibited from entering Chile. Chileans that hold a Pase de Movilidad (mobility pass) will be able to leave the country.  


Chile’s health authorities have announced changes to the Plan Fronteras Protegidas (Protected Borders Plan). These changes are designed to contain the arrival of new coronavirus variants.  

It has been advised that any Chilean with a valid mobility pass – those who have been fully vaccinated – will be able to leave Chile from Monday, July 26. They will be allowed to leave only via Santiago’s Arturo Merino Benítez Airport. The measure does not include minors who do not hold a mobility pass.  

Health Undersecretary Paula Daza indicated that foreign non-residents will remain prohibited from entering Chile for the time being.  

Chileans without a mobility pass and foreign residents in Chile will be allowed to leave and enter the country only in special cases authorized by the authorities and approved via the Comisaría Virtual (virtual police station).  

Anyone entering Chile must continue to meet the following public health requirements:  

  • Complete a sworn statement and provide a negative PCR test 72 hours before traveling to Chile.  
  • Submit to testing on arrival or during the following 14 days of monitoring.  
  • Isolate for ten days and submit to 14 days of monitoring.  
  • Anyone who tests positive, as well as their close contacts, will be sent for isolation in healthcare residences.  

Undersecretary Daza explained, “people that hold a mobility pass will need to isolate in a declared address for ten days, along with anyone else who lives there. Their transfer home must be in a private vehicle and they must reach the address within a maximum period of five hours.”  

Quarantine hotels will continue to be made available for people over 18 years of age who do not have a valid mobility pass, who do not have a declared address or who cannot reach their home within five hours of arrival. The cost of the hotel must be covered in full by the traveler, including those who left the country before March 28.  

To learn more about Chile’s success with vaccination against the Coronavirus, read the following article.

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Topics: Coronavirus



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