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Enel to enter hydrogen business and targets Chile, the US and Spain

InvestChile - June,22,2020

Europe’s largest electricity company said that the green hydrogen will be used to store energy or will be sold to industrial clients to assist them in their decarbonization processes, in a bid to speed up its plans to become a carbon-free power producer by 2050.


Next year, Europe’s largest electricity company, Enel, will launch a green hydrogen unit, targeting the Chilean, US and Spanish markets, in a bid to speed up its plans to become a carbon-free power producer by 2050.

Renewable energy investment opportunities

“We have huge renewable energy pipelines in these countries where there is also a promising market for hydrogen,” said Antonio Cammisecra, head of Global Power Generation at Italy’s Enel, in an interview with Reuters.

At its solar and wind farms, Enel, which owns Spain’s Endesa, will be installing electrolyzers, which use electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, to produce hydrogen to be used for energy storage or sold to industrial clients to help them decarbonize their processes.

To find out more about renewable energies and the green hydrogen industry in Chile, check out the following article. 

If you are looking for investment and business opportunities in Chile, we highly recommend that you download our How to Invest in Chile Guide down below. A complete step-by-step guide to help you set up your company in Chile and a must-have tool to learn about doing business in Latin America. 

Chile is becoming increasingly attractive to foreign investors in different economic sectors. To learn more about why overseas companies are establishing operations in our country, read the next article. 

Source: Pulso

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Topics: Green Hydrogen



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