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Leading digital marketing firm highlights InvestChile as success story

InvestChile - December,4,2020

HubSpot has drawn attention to the agency’s digital strategy, which was reinforced during the pandemic and has attracted investment of over US$200 million to the country.  


Thanks to the development of a pioneering public-sector digital strategy, InvestChile has been able to identify and bring to Chile more than 30 overseas companies, which have invested over US$200 million and created more than 1,000 direct jobs. This achievement was underscored by US-based HubSpot, a leader in digital marketing, which recognized the agency’s successful implementation of a marketing methodology known as “Inbound”.

In a publication on its website, HubSpot noted that, in 2016, the agency did not have a digital marketing area as such and was relying on traditional and mostly in-person vehicles for its investor services, promotional activities and the identification of leads. Today, “InvestChile is the first Chilean public organization to adopt Inbound marketing as a strategy for prospecting potential investors and generating an investment portfolio,” stated the article.

Sebastián Villela, head of InvestChile’s Communications and Marketing Division, explained to HubSpot, that part of the agency’s work over the past three years has focused on developing the capacity to detect from Santiago, and at a low cost, specific contacts in large companies - from anywhere in the world - that are interested in investing in Chile and have the potential to do so. “We have learned to filter, segment and manage these contacts and all that work has resulted in real investments materialized in Chile, increasing our economy’s competitiveness and creating jobs for the country’s workers,” said Villela.

The digital strategy used by the agency, which it reinforced in the context of the pandemic, is based on the marketing of high-value content for companies and includes landing pages, forms, segmentation lists and publicity campaigns to capture contacts and manage them online. The agency combines this approach with more classic tools such as email marketing, blog posts, newsletters and SEO tools. According to Javiera Villarino, digital strategy coordinator at InvestChile, “being able to automate the sending of emails and add follow-ups, along with the detailed segmentation that the tool permits, has been fundamental for the success we have had this year when everything has become virtual.”

Internationally, InvestChile is one of the agencies that has pioneered this type of digital marketing. “Inbound marketing was not developed for investment attraction but our experience shows that, with the necessary adaptations and adjustments, it can be an effective way to identify investors,” explained Villela. “Until recently, the only way to do that was by opening offices in target markets. That model is changing,” he added.  

To learn more about the economic recovery and investment opportunities in Chile, check out the following article

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