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How to obtain a visa to invest in Chile

InvestChile - May,8,2023

Find out about the most appropriate immigration categories for foreign investors who want to invest in the country.  


Chile, known for its economic stability and attractive business environment, has become a desirable destination for foreign investors. If you are considering investing in this South American country, it is crucial to understand the process for obtaining a foreign investor visa.  

In this article, we present a complete guide to the visas required by foreign investors who want to invest in Chile. We explore the different types of visas available, the specific requirements of each of them, and the benefits and conditions associated with each option.  

Immigration categories in Chile  

The regulations of Law No. 21.325, published in Decree No. 296 on February 12, 2022, established three main immigration categories: Transitory Permanence; Temporary Residence; and Permanent Residence.  


1. Transitory Permanence (former Tourist Visa) 

Tourists do not require prior authorization or a visa to enter and stay in Chile, but there are some nationalities that require prior authorization granted by a Chilean consulate abroad. This authorization is known as Transitory Permanence.  

Transitory Permanence holders who are in the country may not apply for residence, unless they meet the requirements established in article 69 of Law No. 21.325.  

Notwithstanding the requirements established for each subcategory, any foreign person who enters Chile as a Transitory Permanence holder must prove the legal means of subsistence that would allow them to remain in the country.  

Transitory Permanence holders may not carry out paid activities.  

In exceptional circumstances, they may request authorization from the National Migration Service to carry out such tasks through a Work Permit with Transitory Permanence.  

How do I request prior authorization for Transitory Permanence?  

For those cases in which prior authorization granted by a Chilean consulate abroad is required, the request is made via the Foreign Affairs Ministry’s Consular Procedures portal:  

How do I request a Transitory Permanence Extension?  

The Extension is a discretionary authorization granted to Transitory Permanence holders to remain in Chile for an additional period of 90 days. The procedure is completed prior to expiration of the Transitory Permanence permit provided on the Single Immigration Card.  

How much does a Transitory Permanence Extension cost?  

The holder must pay US$100 (equivalent in Chilean currency). The request is made via the portal: 

How do I request a Work Permit with Transitory Permanence?  

This permit is an authorization to carry out specific and sporadic work, as a direct consequence of which the holder receives remuneration or economic benefits in Chile or abroad. These include members and staff of public shows, athletes, lecturers, advisers and expert technicians.  

The request is made via the portal: 


2. Temporary Residence (former Visa Subject to Contract or Temporary Visa)  

Temporary Residence is granted to foreigners who can prove that they have family ties or interests in the country, and whose residence is deemed useful and convenient. In general terms, it allows the holder to carry out any activity in Chile, without any limitations other than those established by law, provided that the immigration subcategory to which they adhere allows it. It is issued for a maximum period of two years.  

Subcategories of interest for foreign companies and investors  

Within the immigration subcategories associated with Temporary Residence, three may be of interest to foreign investors:  

  • Foreigners who carry out remunerated legal activities  

This Temporary Residence subcategory may be requested by foreigners who want to settle in Chile for a limited time, in order to carry out remunerated legal activities within a relationship of subordination or dependency, and who meet the corresponding requirements.  

The request is made via the portal: 

  • Investors 

This second subcategory requires the sponsorship of InvestChile. For this, the agency will issue a Sponsorship Letter once the applicant proves compliance with the requirements established in articles 62, 63 and 64 of the Interior Ministry Supreme Decree No. 177 of 2022, and attaches the documentation indicated in the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency Exempt Resolution No. 144 of 2022.  

What are the requirements for the Investor Visa?  

The two main requirements are to have a project in the planning or execution phase in the country worth over US$500,000, or to be a foreign company established in Chile (with at least 10% foreign capital) that requires bringing specialized technical personnel, investors, management staff or other types of personnel who are essential for operations in the country.  

The request for a Sponsorship Letter is made via the page of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency, InvestChile 

Once the Sponsorship Letter has been obtained, the residence application is made via the National Migration Service portal: 

  • Multiple entry business permit  

This permit may be requested by foreigners who come to the country regularly for executive management or board meetings related to businesses or investments that their companies maintain in Chile.  

The request is made via the portal: 


3. Permanent Residence (former Permanent Visa)

This is the permit granted to foreigners who currently have Temporary Residence, in order to reside indefinitely and carry out any lawful activity in the country.  

Temporary Residence holders may apply for Permanent Residence in those cases in which the immigration subcategory of which they are holders admits it. The application must be made before expiration of the deadline to request extension of the residence permit, which is no more than ninety and no less than ten days before the date of expiration.  

The request is made via the portal: 

Do you want to know more about how to invest in Chile? Check out the following article, where we tell you how to establish your company in the country 

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Topics: Visas



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